This week, I am reading "The Unwanteds" by Lisa McMann. Kirkus Reviews called it: "The Hunger Games meets Harry Potter," which made me very curious. Like Harry Potter, the main character, 13-year-old Alex, grows up in a world without magic--a world where any sort of free-thinking or creative ability is seen as dangerous. The beginning of the book is very dramatic, because Alex and a group of other 13-year-olds, including his identical twin, Aaron, are standing together, waiting to be sorted into three groups: Wanted, Necessary, and Unwanted. Aaron, who has always been a model citizen, becomes a "Wanted." Alex, whose spark of artistic ability labeled him as an "Unwanted" from an early age, is taken away from his family and sent to his death with the other Unwanteds.
However, instead of getting thrown into the Great Lake of Burning Oil, Alex and the others are introduced to an amazing new world called Artimé. Mr. Today, the magician in charge, treats them kindly and for the first time in their lives, they are allowed to explore their creative sides without fear of punishment.
Of course, this secret magical world can only remain hidden for so long...